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Are you stuck, but still want to solve the mystery? You’ll find important tips here that will help bring you closer to solving the mystery.

Colour formula:

The formulas on the piece of paper show how the colours must be blended. The ingredients have Roman numerals on them. This means a specific value (number) results for red, yellow, blue and white. When the colours are mixed, their values are added together.

No. 1 Anatomical drawings

Which three objects go with the drawings?
Look at the colours.
There are no feet in sight, but instead some…
The anatomical drawings show the skull of a predator (I), the wing of a bird (II) and a human foot (III). The three corresponding objects are the dog, the parrot and the shoes. The dog is playing with a purple ball, the parrot is green and the shoes have red straps. The colour formula reveals the final answer: 792

No. 2 Three paintings

Look at the general colour of the paintings.
Look at the “structures”.
Mix the colours.
The three paintings reveal a three-digit number. The columns in the background indicate the position of the numbers. The number for the orange painting (I) is the result of red mixed with yellow. The number for the pink painting (II) is the result of red mixed with white. The number for the green painting (III) is the result of blue mixed with yellow. Final answer: 659

No. 3 Sheet music

The melody does not provide an answer.
Each stave reveals a number
Filled-in notehead with stem = ¼ (one quarter).
For each stave, the values for each individual note are added together to provide an answer.
Semibreve (1): hollow notehead without stem
Minim (½): hollow notehead with stem
Crotchet (¼): filled-in notehead with stem
Quaver (1/8): filled-in head with stem and flag
first stave:
1 + ¼ + 1/8 + ¼ + 1/8 + ¼ + ¼ + ¼ + ¼ + ¼ + ½ + 1/8 + 1/8 + ¼ + 1 = 5
second stave:
1 + ¼ + ¼ + ½ + ¼ + 1 + 1 + ½ + ¼ + 1 + ¼ + ¼ + ½ + 1 = 8
third stave:
1 + ½ + ½ + ½ + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + ¼ + ¼ + 1/8 + ½ + ¼ + ¼ + ½ + 1 = 6
Final answer: 586

No. 4 Mechanical drawing

To what point must the white arrow be rotated?
Note the ratchet next to the first gearwheel.
Gearwheels rotate in opposite directions.
The first gearwheel (on the left) needs to be rotated until the arrow points to a specific letter. The other gearwheels rotate accordingly and the value is shown on the last display (on the right). Gearwheels rotate in opposite directions, gearwheels that are connected with belts rotate in the same direction. The ratchet near the first gearwheel means it can only rotate to the right. Value for A: 2, value for B: 4, value for C: 8. Final answer: 248

No. 5 Symbols on the glass plane

A symbol may only be used once in each row and column.
The symbols reveal a logical sequence
Cross = 4
The glass pane shows a rectangle with six rows and six columns. Each symbol may only show up once in each row and column. The cracks in the glass reveal the final answer from the top down. The set of symbols reveals a logical sequence. The last three symbols are created with the first three symbols. square = 2, circle = 3, cross = 4, square + circle = 5, square + cross = 6, circle + cross = 7. The corresponding symbols from the top down: square + circle, square, circle. Final answer: 523

No. 6 Books

The books on the shelf and cracks in the window belong together.
Rotate the window, the cracks in the glass are the destinations.
The three words reveal the sequence.
The window has six rows, each with four panes. Three of the panes have fallen out of the window. The bookshelf has four shelves, each with six books, but three books are missing from the bottom shelf. The cracks in the panes show the paths to follow in the bookshelf. The cracks in the glass are the destinations for each path. The letters along each path reveal a word. The colour of the book that the crack points to reveals the corresponding number. The words that result, (aqua (= water), terra (= earth) and aer (= air)), refer to the technical devices hanging from the ceiling, which reveal the sequence of the numbers from left to right. The corresponding books are yellow (aer), orange (terra) and purple (aqua). Final answer: 467